
Obsolete! This page documents a path that was eventually abandoned

Distributable binaries are built with PyInstaller. This isn’t included in the normal environment, so you need to install it. It’s also not available through Anaconda so you need to install it with pip:

pip install pyinstaller

To create a binary:

cd installer
pyinstaller pyweed_gui.spec

The binary will be under installer/dist/pyweed_gui.

Mac Binary

To create a Mac .app binary, set ONE_FILE = True in pyweed_gui.spec. This should build the app alongside the other build products.

To distribute, create a DMG file which the user can mount as its own filesystem, here is a simple version:

mkdir /tmp/PyWEED
cp -R installer/dist/ /tmp/PyWEED
ln -s /Applications /tmp/PyWEED
hdiutil create /tmp/PyWEED.dmg -srcfolder /tmp/PyWEED -volname "PyWEED"