Release Protocol for the stationxml-seed-conveter

POM configuration

The stationxml-seed-conveter uses Maven archetecture as it’s distrubution manager. The converter’s pom file contains both the maven-release-plugin and nexus-staging-maven-plugin to submit releases to the repositiory. A user’s ~/.m2/setting.xml file must be configured with the correct user names and passwords for this process to be successful. The pom.xml must also have the correct distribution management information. The converter uses: ossrh ossrh

Releasing versions

Once the pom file is correctly configured, a converter instanse can be released using the maven-release-plugin command. -SNAPSHOT must be appended to the the version tag for the release-plugin to work correctly.

To release a version run the following commands: mvn release:clean mvn release:prepare mvn release:perform

Before every stationxml-seed-converter minor/major version release, a release canidate must be generated. The release candiate follows the same protocols as a standard release except that the qualifier -RC-# is appended to the end of the version. The release canidate step allows for all outstanding issues to be closed and for the software to have a final stage of testing before the release is performed.

See the article below for further instructions.